EPIS Workshop 2024


Earthquake Physics & Induced Seismicity (EPIS) workshop and conference

EPIS consists of two consecutive parts:

  • Workshop featuring lectures and tutorials on ‘Earthquake Physics’ organized by the members of the TREAD Doctoral Network (Monday 11 – Tuesday 12 November + Wednesday afternoon 13 November)
  • Conference ‘Induced Seismicity in Sedimentary Formations’ organized by Geological Survey of the Netherlands, TNO, NWO and Utrecht University (Wednesday 13 – Thursday 14 November)

EPIS is followed by the DeepNL Scientific Meeting on Friday 15 November.

TREAD workshop and lectures on  ‘Earthquake Physics’

These lectures and workshop are part of the doctoral network TREAD which includes 11 doctoral candidates.  The lectures will be given by e.g., Prof. Dr. Giulio di Toro , Dr. Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Dr. Ylona van Dinther and Dr. André Niemeijer and will cover the following main topics

  • Field and laboratory observations of earthquake mechanics
  • Numerical modeling of earthquakes and their sequences
  • Microphysical modeling of fault slip

The general theme of the lectures and workshop is physics-based earthquake hazard assessment and we aim to discuss the pros and cons of such approaches.

Non-tread members with an interest in earthquake physics and simulations of the earthquake source are invited to join the 11 TREAD PhD candidates.

Conference ‘Induced Seismicity’

The conference ‘Induced Seismicity in Sedimentary Rocks’ aims to connect a broad national and international audience of researchers working on induced seismicity associated with anthropogenic operations in sedimentary formations. During the conference we aim to advance the fundamental understanding of the source mechanisms of induced seismicity, and the spatio-temporal behavior of induced seismic events in relation to operations, by inviting research insights from various disciplines such as laboratory studies, analytical and numerical modeling, monitoring and seismic source characterization.  In addition, we focus on monitoring practices, seismic hazard assessment, and the mitigation of undesired induced seismic events. Specific questions that are also of interest are e.g. how fundamental understanding of the source mechanisms can feed into seismic hazard assessment and monitoring and control practices, and how to deal with seismic hazard assessment when little or no monitoring data are available. The scope of the conference is on induced seismicity related to activities in sedimentary rocks, such as geothermal energy production, hydrocarbon production, CO2 storage, H2 storage and salt mining. The conference targets both national and international attendees, working, amongst others, in academia, at (applied) research institutes, government, and industry partners.

We are inviting presentations on, but not limited to, the following topics, all in the context of induced seismicity:

  • Seismic and aseismic slip
  • Fault geometry and roughness scaling
  • In-situ stress and fault reactivation
  • Rupture dynamics and earthquake modeling
  • Seismic hazard and risk analysis: source models
  • Wave propagation and ground motion modeling

DeepNL Scientific Meeting

The DeepNL Scientific Meeting is the annual internal meeting of the NWO DeepNL research program. It brings together all DeepNL research projects and provides an opportunity for researchers to discuss their progress and results, exchange ideas and strengthen the coherence of the programme. The aim of DeepNL is to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions. DeepNL focusses on developing quantitative and physics-based understanding of subsurface response in the Netherlands to activities, such as gas extraction, geothermal energy production, salt mining and CO2, energy and waste storage. The research addresses scientific questions pertaining to surface subsidence, induced seismicity and the integrity of the subsurface system

For more information on DeepNL and the Scientific Meeting, please visit the DeepNL website.

DeepNL temporary program

09:30-10:00 – Arrival & coffee
10:00-11:30 – Plenary program
11:30-12:30 – Poster session
12:30-13:15 – Lunch
13:15-14:30 – Plenary / interactive program
14:30-15:00 – Coffee break
15:00-16:30 – Interactive / break-out sessions
16:30-17:30 – Drinks & bites